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School and education

Reading time

Reading time

Education is one of our central development topics and the basis for a self-determined life. That's why we promote literacy in our project areas even beyond the normal curriculum [...]
Open your eyes – for the children of Nepal with a mobile eye clinic through the mountains

Open your eyes – for the children of Nepal with a mobile eye clinic through the mountains

As part of the health care for the schoolchildren, Back to Life also has the boys and girls examined by an ophthalmologist. Using a type of outpatient mobile eye clinic, our team travels or walks with the doctor from school to school in remote areas [...]
Home at last!

Home at last!

Finally Home! The deaf children of Mugu now live in their new school dormitory. For 17 deaf girls and boys in the remote region of Mugu, it was the beginning of a new life: In June 2022, they moved happily into the recently completed dormitory. With the new building in Gamgadhi, Back to Life not […]
The magic of letters

The magic of letters

We are improving the school and learning conditions for over 4500 schoolchildren in Nepal. But we don't want to stop there, we want to look at adult literacy in remote areas [...].
Understanding the world in a playful way – our preschools

Understanding the world in a playful way – our preschools

We have set up preschools in 33 schools and fund an early childhood development teacher who paints with the children, plays games, reads to them, sings and dances with them, but also begins to teach easier material such as letters and numbers [...]
Because it can happen again and again – earthquake safety training for teachers

Because it can happen again and again – earthquake safety training for teachers

The devastating earthquakes of 2015 claimed almost 9,000 deaths in Nepal. But there could have been hundreds of thousands more: The first quake was on a Saturday - the only school-free day of the week [...]
Olympic champion with a heart

Olympic champion with a heart

Fabian HambĂĽchen broke all records in his sporting career - today the Olympic champion is one of the most successful athletes in our country. In the spring of 2016, he was a participant in the ZDF show "I can do that" and also won there [...]
With us, teachers also go to school – further education

With us, teachers also go to school – further education

A teacher in Nepal is respected in the village but earns little. In the remote areas in particular, teachers are often not well trained, not only professionally, but also pedagogically. They also do not have access to any current teaching materials [...]
Better now than never – adult literacy

Better now than never – adult literacy

When we expanded our project radius in Mugu to the communities Seri, Kalai and Rara and their neighboring villages from 2011 onwards, we found that most adults - as in many parts of Mugu - were illiterate. There were 1202 people over the age of 15 living in and around the above villages [...]
Proper hand washing needs to be practiced – Global Handwashing Day

Proper hand washing needs to be practiced – Global Handwashing Day

"Global Handwashing Day" has been celebrated in schools around the world since 2008 to make children aware of the immense importance of daily hygiene. Because bacteria are only effectively combated when hands are thoroughly washed with soap for at least 20 seconds [...].
Protecting the environment through the hands of children: interacting child clubs

Protecting the environment through the hands of children: interacting child clubs

Sometimes the youth clubs we have initiated in our project schools exchange ideas or meet for sports competitions. From this, the best ideas can emerge [...]
Child marriage prevented!

Child marriage prevented!

Some girls are only 13, 11, even 8 years old when they are married. Child marriages are a sad tradition that we counter with enlightenment. Brave 11-year-old Sirjana used this knowledge to save her friend Rakshya [...].
High school graduates

High school graduates

Our first high school graduates - we are very proud of you!

Standing on their own two feet and financing themselves is the goal of Rita and Sarita from Chitwan - and they are well on the way [...]

School clothes make the man

School clothes make the man

Steep and dusty trails, protruding branches on the long winding paths through the mountains, muddy holes in the ground, snowfall, downpours and high mountain sun- there are many challenges for the school uniform of the children of our project areas [...].
In conversation with Sun Bahadur Moktan

In conversation with Sun Bahadur Moktan

Sun Bahadur Moktan, who lives in Thakaltar in the Chitwan region and teaches there as a teacher. He has an accurate view of what has happened in his village over the past 10 years and we are delighted that he has taken the time to summarise it for us [...].
Expanded – the path is free up to 8th grade

Expanded – the path is free up to 8th grade

Back to Life has been supporting the Janajyoti School in the Chitwan District, near the Chitwan National Park in southern Nepal, since 2010. The school is located in a village that is characterized by deep poverty. The Chepang people living there are among the poorest minorities in Nepal [...]
Dreams come true – lessons up to high school graduation

Dreams come true – lessons up to high school graduation

School building is a focus of our project work in Nepal. We aim to create new year groups where there is a shortage of secondary schools [...]
Back to Life e.V.